Dave Hengel, Executive Director of Greater Bemidji

April, 2024


When Greater Bemidji agreed to partner with Sanford Health to move the vision of a wellness center in Bemidji forward, I recall sharing my confidence that we would “get there, but more than likely take the scenic route.” I’m not right often, but I sure was on this occasion.


Just like all major community projects of this magnitude, the wellness project has had its share of hurdles and starts and stops. Some days the vision is moved forward, others feel like it is “one step forward and two steps back”.


I’m happy to share today that the wellness center took a big leap forward this week with the announcement of Greater Bemidji’s strategic partnership with the YMCA of the Northern Sky out of Fargo. With the announcement, the vision became clearer – and far more likely.


Before sharing why the YMCA of the Northern Sky was chosen and what this means for the project, let me remind you of the background of the project. A few years back, Sanford Health approached Greater Bemidji seeking to partner to bring a wellness facility to the Bemidji area. Sanford offered to launch the community fundraising with an unprecedented $10 million gift, but also to own and operate the facility.


Greater Bemidji agreed to partner provided the wellness center would not be publicly owned or operated, and that it would be located in the rail corridor redevelopment area in downtown Bemidji. With those assurances, we jumped in.


Sanford Health did an exceptional job reaching out to the community and hosting opportunities for public input. The work to create site and building designs began. Decisions around programming began. An all-volunteer group successfully launched into a pacesetter fundraising campaign to raise an additional $15 million. The City pushed forward on plans for both clean-up of the rail corridor site, as well as public infrastructure planning. All was moving forward positively.


One step forward…. two steps back.


Fast forward to last summer. With the difficulties facing rural health care, Sanford Health announced they would not be able to operate the wellness center as proposed. They would remain a key partner, and their gift of $10 million to the wellness center remained intact. As you can imagine, this was a significant blow to the project – in fact, nearly a fatal blow.


However, because of the significant, long-term impact of the proposed wellness center and rail corridor redevelopment, Greater Bemidji’s Board agreed to take the baton of leadership of the project – a pretty bold decision for a small, non-profit organization.


Since taking over the leadership of the project, Greater Bemidji paused the project’s fundraising and development work until a key question was answered: even if we can build a wellness center, who has the experience and expertise to successfully operate it?


While the project was quiet for the last six months, let me assure you the work did not stop. Greater Bemidji was on the hunt for a strategic partner who believed in the mission of the initiative, as well as a great fit for our community. After an RFP process and extensive review and interviews, it became clear that strategic partner was the YMCA of the Northern Sky.


The YMCA of the Northern Sky rose to the top for several reasons. They have exceptional leadership that is mission-driven – a mission consistent with our own. They have several wellness centers under their umbrella – including one in Fergus Falls. They also operate a youth camp and are the largest childcare provider in North Dakota. They already have a partnership with Sanford Health. They are financially strong and have proposed a membership rate structure would be welcome all community members to have access to the facility. Finally, they are prepared to fully invest their time, energy and resources to the Bemidji community.


After six months of searching, I am very confident we have the right strategic partner – a major leap forward for the project. As a private, non-profit, partnering with the YMCA of the Northern Sky upholds our commitment to ensure that the facility will not be owned or operated by the city or any other public entity.


What this means is we can relaunch the work on site and building design, facility programming, and fundraising. We intend to move the planning forward in a rapid pace. Ultimately, with the expertise of the YMCA, we will design and build a facility that meets as many community needs as possible while remaining financially affordable and sustainable.


A key next step will be fundraising the remainder necessary to build the facility. It will be the largest local fundraising campaign in our community’s history. To be successful, we will need all community members to participate and give all they can. That may mean giving more than you ever have before – as our pacesetter donors have already done. More information on how to
donate will be released in the coming weeks.


As you consider this project – with its starts and stops and hurdles – I invite you to not lose sight of the exponential impact this will have on our community. It encourages youth, family and senior wellness. It generates tax base – with the development of the rail corridor potentially enticing $90+ million in private investment. It encourages workers to move to (and stay) in Bemidji, and increases tourism in the area. Finally, it re-energizes an already vibrant downtown area. This project changes the trajectory of our community’s future.


Let me close on a personal note. As I have mentioned, this project has been difficult with many challenges. I was asked the other day what keeps Greater Bemidji motivated to move this forward. No doubt the impacts mentioned above clearly speak to us and are central to our mission in economic development. But I would argue our greatest motivators are not the macro impacts but the personal stories and encouragement from our community members.


Last summer, I received a handwritten note in the mail. While I will keep her anonymous, it was written by a senior who lives near downtown. She wrote:

“Hello and welcome to my wellness center dream. I am retired and a fervent believer in a wellness center – more like a YMCA with an indoor pool! I feel this is sorely needed in our Bemidji – one the public can access. Here is a small donation. I wish you the best of luck”.

Included with the note was a $25 check. No doubt, that was a significant amount for her. Since then, she has sent another.


We may take the scenic route, but we will get there. Our community deserves it.


Dave Hengel

Contact me at (218) 444-5757 or dhengel@greaterbemidji.com.

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